EC-TEL'07 - Topics
Zinayida Petrushyna
last modified
May 16, 2007 05:27 PM
Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to:
Deploying Technology Enhanced Learning
- Ubiquitous Technology Enhanced Learning
- Services for Technology Enhanced Learning
- Games and Interactive TV as Educational Tools
- Learning Communities and Distributed Teams
- Online Experiments
- Web 2.0 and Social Software for Technology Enhanced Learning
Learner Modeling and Personalisation
- Personal Learning Environments
- Learner Assessment and Testing
- Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Instructions
- Competencies in Workplace Learning
- Adaptation Patterns and Techniques
Metadata for TEL
- Re-Using, Re-Authoring and Re-Purposing (Rip, Mix and Burn)
- Learning Objects and Learning Repositories
- Learning Design, Narrative and Navigation Models
- Metadata in Search, Retrieval and Harvesting
Technology Enhanced Support for Organizational Learning
- Knowledge Management, Sharing and Learning
- Business Processes and Learning
- Sustainability and Business Models
- Deployment Strategies
Scaleable Technology Enhanced Learning
- Authoring of Multimedia/ Virtual Reality Content
- Artificial Intelligence technologies for Technology Enhanced Learning
- Network Infrastructures (Streaming, Peer-to-Peer Infrastructures)
- Runtime Engines for Learning Design and Learning Objects
- Semantic Web technologies
Theoretical and methodological foundations of TEL
- Formal / Informal Learning
- Instructional Methods for Collaborative Learning
- Problem Solving Support
- Collaborative Knowledge Building and Sharing
Experience Reports, Assessment, and Case Studies