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Let's try to design reification services and scenario in use

by zina last modified 2008-06-12 09:28

PALETTE Workshop

OHRID, Summer School, 16 June 2008

Bernadette Charlier, UniversitĂŠ de Fribourg

Annick Rossier, UniversitĂŠ de Fribpurg

This workshop presents part of the research and development conducted by the European project PALETTE (Pedagogically sustained Adaptive Learning Through the exploitation of Tacit and Explicit knowledge). Using a simulation strategy, it offers the opportunity to get familiar with the custom made participatory design approach adopted by the project. Participants are invited to take part in a two steps experiment. Firstly, an appropriation session allows confronting the services in use with the anticipated use of the developers. Secondly, participants interacting with project researchers and developers determine improvements for better services to support the activity of a community of practice.


Introduction of the Workshop 5 min



Presentation of Did@cTIC scenario 15 min


Simulation session 45 min

Topic: First meeting of a CoP of developers and researchers seeking to apply PDM

Steps of the scenario

  1. Presentation of the participants and animators 10 min
  2. Expression and sharing of practice
    1. Description of events and use of the Amaya template to take notes 20 min
    2. Choice of significant events: list of selected events
  3. Seeking practice renewal 30 min
    1. Description of practice
    2. Analysis of practice

§  Analysis of relevant theoretical models, practice descriptions and other documents on practice. Use of DOCREUSE to exploit existing resources  with another template

A script takes note of the questions during the simulation to be used during the discussion



Discussion - analysis of the simulation 20 min

What does it mean to reify and reuse practices?

What does practice means?

Which are the possible solutions?

What are their drawbacks?

Questions about the technological solutions.


Synthesis and conclusions 5 min