Social Software and Web 2.0 for TEL/Hands on Social Software
Social software can be defined as software that link up social entities over digital networks. I want to investigate the use of social software in a mobile professional context integrating services like social and geographical tagging, story-telling and mobile consumption of multimedia. The novelty of this approach is the systematic integration of social software in new collaborative community platforms. In my talk, I introduce a scenario called "Virtual Campfire" developed in the scope of the PROLEARN Network of Excellence ( In "Virtual Campfire", a comprehensive study on the impact of social software for learning is performed and new research questions are identified. In the hands-on session we will explore the Web 2.0 technologies behind the scenario.
Recommended readings
- Klamma, Ralf, Spaniol, Marc, Cao, Yiwei: MPEG-7 Compliant Community Hosting, in: M. Lux, M. Jarke, H. Kosch (Eds.): MPEG and Multimedia Metadata Community Workshop Results 2005, J.UKM Special Issue (Journal of Universal Knowledge Management), Springer, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2006, pp. 36-44
- Klamma, Ralf, Spaniol, Marc, Jarke, Matthias, Cao, Yiwei, Jansen, Michael, Toubekis, Georgios: A Hypermedia Afghan Sites and Monuments Database, In: Stefanakis, E., Peterson, M.P., Armenakis, C., Delis, V., (Eds), Geographic Hypermedia: Concepts and Systems, Springer, 2006.
- Klamma, Ralf, Spaniol, Marc, Cao, Yiwei: Community Aware Content Adaptation for Mobile Technology Enhanced Learning, in: W. Nejdl, K. Tochtermann (eds.): Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing - Proceedings of the First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2006 Crete, Greece, October 1-4, 2006, Springer, LNCS 4227, p. 227-241
- Klamma, Ralf, Spaniol, Marc, Renzel, Dominik: Virtual Entrepreneurship Lab 2.0: Sharing Entrepreneurial Knowledge by Non-Linear Story-Telling, in: K.Tochtermann, H. Maurer (Eds.): Proceedings of I-KNOW '06, 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management, Graz, Austria, September 6 - 8, 2006, J.UCS (Journal of Universal Computer Science) Proceedings, Springer, pp.26-34
- J. Preece: Sociability and usability in online communities: determining and measuring success, Behaviour and Information Technology, 29(5), 2001, pp. 347-356
- T. OReilly: What Is Web 2.0 - Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software, , tml, 2005 (last access: July 3, 2006)
- Spaniol, Marc, Klamma, Ralf, Janßen, Holger, Renzel, Dominik: LAS: A Lightweight Application Server for MPEG-7 Services in Community Engines, in: K. Tochtermann, H. Maurer (Eds.): Proceedings of I-KNOW '06, 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management, Graz, Austria, September 6 - 8, 2006, J.UCS (Journal of Universal Computer Science) Proceedings, Springer, pp. 592-599.