PROLEARN Summer School 2007
The PROLEARN Summer School will bring together PhD students with experienced researchers from PROLEARN or from top international institutions in or across the scope.
Materials are available on Confolio For pictures please visit our photo album or search for "prolearnsummerschool2007" Other collective material: Morning lectures are broadcast in live on Prolearn TV Date :from 27th of May to 2nd of June, 2007Venue:The summer school will take place in Fréjus, France. At equal distance between Cannes and St. Tropez this city of art and culture has built up a rich historical and architectural patrimony. This has been an active and dynamic city since Julius Caesar himself founded it in 49 B.C. and right up to the present with the French Navy often at shore here. The city is filled with monuments. These include one of the largest amphitheaters from Gallic times (1st or 2nd century), a Roman theater, the Porte Dorée (a golden door, ruins from baths of the 3rd c.), the Porte des Gaules, the aqueduct which carried water from Signole for 40 km and the Cocteau Chapel, designed by Jean Cocteau in 1961 and finished by E. Dermit in 1965. Fréjus is also a seaside resort where the sea once again finds itself in the center of the city with the construction of the Port-Fréjus. It has been built on the site of Fréjus-Plage that was partially destroyed in 1959 after the rupturing of the dam at Malpasset. The little port of St. Aygulf gives easy access to the beach paths where one can discover the wild inlets and the sand beaches of this pleasant hamlet. Objectives:Building on successful summer schools in 2005 and 2006, PROLEARN, the Network of Excellence in Technology Enhanced Learning for Professionals, is pleased to announce its PROLEARN Summer School 2007. Our ambition is to foster cross-domain training and collaboration opportunities among researchers in Europe and beyond, working in the disparate fields of expertise which promote the advancement of TEL at the workplace. The programme includes lectures and working sessions from leading professors in the field, trans-European tutoring, mentoring, and joint research opportunities, as well as internships with industrial partners. Additionally the school will offer practical sessions in research methodology for Technology Enhanced Learning. Advanced PhD students will be identified to present their research at the EC-TEL 2007 Conference in September in Greece: Summer School Pre-activities:A series of FlashMeetings will be organized to facilitate student clustering, communicative modeling and other workshops. Dates and replays are available here. The summer school program is also online. Course Topics :Deploying Technology Enhanced Learning
Learner Modeling and Personalisation
Metadata for TEL
Technology Enhanced Support for Organizational Learning
Scaleable Technology Enhanced Learning
Theoretical and methodological foundations of TEL
Organising commitee:
Programme commitee:
Accommodation:PhD students are asked to share a double room with other PhD students. In order to increase social contacts among the summer school participants, the programme will include several social events. A variety of sport activities will also be offered to the summer school participants. Social activities:Coming soon Cost of the Summer School:The cost for PhD students is Euro 500 (including accommodation – 6 nights in double room, meals and excursions). The PROLEARN network offers 21 scholarships to PhD students for covering the costs of the summer school. Please indicate if you apply for a scholarship. Eligibility and application process:The summer school is intended for PhD students investigating the
Technology Enhanced Learning related issues and making progress on
their dissertation research. The deadline for student applications was
March 1st, 2007. The applications have already been reviewed and
all scholarships allocated. For more information please contact [email protected].