last modified
Aug 18, 2006 09:04 PM
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Network of Excellence in Professional Learning
- PROLEARN is a 'Network of Excellence' financed by the IST (Information Society Technology) programme of the European commission dealing with technology enhanced professional learning.
PROLEARN virtual competence centre
-, Our mission is to build up a European wide community of practice for research and economy.
Prolearn TV
- The Prolearn-TV concept will deliver a significant living structure of Professional eLearning support materials which will be sourced from the WP members in the first instance, and in due course from the whole consortium. This material will be showcased via a streaming media portal to our community.
Professional Learning Cluster PRO-LC
- With the shift towards the knowledge society, changing working conditions and the continuous evolution of information and communication technologies, peoples' knowledge and skills need continuous up-dating. Technology-enhanced Learning is one of the strategic objectives of the EU/IST Work Programme, with the goal of improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of learning, for individuals and organizations, independent of time, place and pace. Innovative infrastructures, methods and approaches are needed to reach this goal, and will facilitate transfer and sharing of knowledge between individuals and in organizations.
MPEG7-21 Community
- The MPEG-7/21 community aims at bringing together experts from research and industry in the area of multimedia meta data interoperability for collaborative working environments. By establishing a community of professionals it is intended to bridge the gap between an academic research and an industrial scale development of innovative products for natural collaboration. To accomplish this goal the portal provides information about MPEG-7/21 related events, participating research groups, as well as industry partners to share expertise on multimedia meta data interoperability.
- A Confolio system contains a number of electronic portfolios, where each portfolio functions as a personal information archive.
- EducaNext is a service supporting the creation and sharing of knowledge for Higher Education. It is open to any member of the academic or research community.
- TENCompetence will support individuals, groups and organisations in Europe in lifelong competence development by establishing the most appropriate technical and organizational infrastructure, using open-source, standards-based, sustainable and innovative technology.
- The goal of the APOSDLE project is to enhance knowledge worker productivity by supporting informal learning activities in the context of knowledge workers' everyday work processes and within their work environments.
- iCamp is a research and development project funded by the European Union under the IST (Information Society Technology) programme of FP6. The project aims at creating an infrastructure for collaboration and networking across systems, countries, and disciplines in Higher Education. Pedagogically based on constructivist learning theories that puts more emphasis on self-organised learning, social networking, and the changing roles of educators.
MACE - Metadata for Architectural Contents in Europe
- The MACE project sets out to transform the ways of e-learning about architecture in Europe. It will integrate vast amounts of content from diverse repositories created in several large previous projects as well as from existing architectural design communities.
EGAEL 2007 Initiative
- In 2007, the EGAEL Initiative will carry out several activities focused on the use of eGames in eLearning and, more specifically, in personalized eLearning processes: - one workshop in Asia, in conjunction with ICALT 2007 - one workshop in Europe, in conjunction with ISAGA 2007 - one Special Issue of Computers in Human Behavior, focused on the pedagogical research and implications of the use of eGames - one Special Issue of Simulation & Gaming, focused on the practical but theoretically supported experience and on the development of eGames The general aim of all these activities is to research and discuss on the benefits, drawbacks and current state of the development and use of educational and general electronic games and simulations and their relation with the personalized eLearning experience of learners and teachers.
- ELEKTRA has the ambitious and visionary goal to fully utilise the advantages of computer games and their design fundamentals for educational purposes and to address and eliminate the disadvantages of game-based learning as far as possible. Modern computer games let their players enter their virtual worlds by offering a high degree of interactivity and realism that aims at captivating immersion. They turn the user into the active protagonist and hero, who can act by using more and more complex game features. The “gamer” is embedded in a fascinating universe, a microcosm with its own rules and residents to be discovered. By his own actions and his involvement into the background story the game becomes important and meaningful to the player. He even might develop emotional affection for the digital inhabitants of the game world. ELEKTRA will be funded with 2.4 million Euro by the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission’s IST-Programme for the duration of two years.
iPerG - Integrated Project on Pervasive Gaming
- Pervasive games are a radically new game form that extends gaming experiences out into the physical world. To achieve a high quality interactive experience for these games, new technologies to support the creation of new compelling forms of content will be explored by this consortium. Four game types are currently being investigated under IPerG: * Crossmedia Games - bridging the gap between different media channels and game spaces * Socially Adaptable Games - exploring how pervasive games can fit into (and transform) social environments * Enhanced Reality Live Role-Playing - enhanced experiences through technology * City As Theatre - artistic games that take place online and on the streets.
- A European Association open to the World, for Knowledge Sharing and Reuse. The core of the ARIADNE infrastructure is a distributed network of learning repositories.
MELT - Learning Resources for Schools
- MELT (a Metadata Ecology for Learning and Teaching) is a 27-month Content Enrichment project supported by the European Commission’s eContentplus Programme. Starting in October 2006, it brings together 17 public and private sector content partners. The project’s coordinator is European Schoolnet (EUN), a unique non-profit consortium of 28 Ministries of Education in Europe, which provides major European education portals for teaching, learning and collaboration and which leads the way in bringing about change in schooling through the use of new technology.
JoomlaLMS elearning software
- Innovative Joomla-based LMS
- - A social network for collaborative work with flash cards
- This is a social network focused on collaborative learning, which is based on user generated content. Virtual flash card stacks can be created for personal use, or group use. By a simple rights management, stacks can be configured to be editable only by specified users, i.e. tutors. There is an integrated eLearning System, which is based on the "Lernkartei"-System (Sebastian Leitner). One Main goal of the System is ease of use.
Gaming and Learning Alliance - GALA
- Exploiting games for education - GaLA - Games and Learning Alliance is the Network of Excellence (NoE) on Serious Games funded by the European Union in FP7 – IST ICT, Technology Enhanced Learning. GaLA gathers the cutting-the-edge European Research & Development organizations on Serious Games, involving 31 partners from 14 countries. Partnership involves universities, research centers, and developer and education industries.
Learning Frontiers
- Learning Frontiers is a science database offering various articles and files on e-learning, new media and other related issues published by scientists, researchers and institutes located within the European Union.
Teachers' lifelong learning network
- The project TeLLNet is to study the eTwinning network (currently over 86 000 teachers) through visualization techniques, Social Network Analysis (SNA) and prospective scenario building exercises. Using these techniques, the goals is to identify the main structures, actors, networks and Communities of practice that are effective in sharing practices, encouraging innovation and creativity at schools.
ROLE LinkedIn Group
- The ROLE LinkedIn Group discusses and shares personal learning environments (PLEs) in all facets. ROLE stands for Responsive Open Learning Environments and is an EU-funded project.
Learning Layers – Scaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters
- Learning Layers develops a set of modular and flexible technological layers for supporting workplace practices in SMEs that unlock peer production and scaffold learning in networks of SMEs, thereby bridging the gap between scaling and adaptation to personal needs.