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Ambjörn Naeve

by onusa last modified 2007-04-19 08:33

Prof. Ambjörn Naeve, Ph.D., Head of the KMR group.

Ambjörn Naeve has a background in mathematics and physics and received his Ph.D. in computer science from KTH in 1993. With the Garden of Knowledge project (1996-98) he initiated the research on interactive learning environments at CSC at KTH , where he presently heads the Knowledge Management Research group . He is also the coordinator of research on interactive learning environments at the Uppsala Learning Lab at Uppsala University .

The KMR-group has been involved in Semantic Web research and development since 1999. The work of the KMR-group focuses on how to make use of Semantic Web technology in order to enable more efficient forms of technology-enhanced learning and administration, and support the emergence of a Public Knowledge and Learning Management Environment. Within the KMR-group, such a PKLME is regarded as an important form of public service.

Prominent among the KMR software tools are the frameworks SCAM and SHAME , the concept browser Conzilla , and the electronic portfolio system Confolio . The KMR-group is active within several international networks in technology-enhanced learning and Semantic Web, notably, Prolearn , SIGSEMIS and Sakai .

Ambjörn Naeve is also an industry consultant with extensive experience in conceptual modeling for software engineering and business applications. He is the inventor of Conzilla and he has developed a conceptual modeling technique called Unified Language Modeling , which is specially designed to depict conceptual relationships in a linguistically coherent way - i.e., to "draw how we talk about things".